Imagine the world without anger, without greed. We have the power, the tools, the skills and the resources right now to build a peaceful world, where people live in harmony with the Earth and each other. This blog explores ways we are doing just that, one post, one change, one day at a time. Join me. Tell your stories. Ask for help. Spread your ideas for making the vision real and, well, ordinary.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Love on Cole, Mae West, minstrels, and angels for sale on Haight

Love on Cole at Haight
© L Kathryn Grace
All rights reserved
I'm shopping locally as much as possible this year, avoiding the Big Box stores, and it's so much fun. This afternoon, walking down San Francisco's Haight Street, what a treat! Strike that, what treats! As you might imagine, Haight Street, between Ashbury and Golden Gate Park, is always interesting.

Swaggering right at me, in all her Christmas finery, Mae West: Huge red Victorian hat festooned with sweeping white plumes; red and white organza gown wrapped seductively in form-fitting layers with just the right pleated flounce from mid-calf to the tips of her red and white button boots; around her scarlet-clad arms and running off her lace-tipped fingers, a white furry stole and muff; under that hat, super blonde sausage curls, and plenty of makeup.

Sadly, rather than flashing a glittering Mae West smile, she scowled at me as we passed. I'd have taken a pic of her retreating figure--and what a figure she cut--but by the time I fished my cell phone from my pocket she had sauntered half a block away.

Returning from Mendel's Far Out Fabrics, where I found the gorgeous reusable ribbon I needed for tying my packages and, unexpectedly, just the right gift for my budding artist granddaughter, I heard  strains of absolutely spellbinding music. A crowd gathered round a doorway, uncharacteristically silent. Inching closer, I saw them: Six ragtag musicians assembled on the steps leading into an apartment building, playing either classical music I've never heard or a new composition that should one day become part of the repertoire.

There were a bass fiddle, a cello, violin, two guitars, and some kind of sweet percussion I couldn't quite see around the corner. The music followed me a ways and then it was gone, lost in the distance. My smile and the peace and joy I felt lasted all the way home.

Further down the street, I passed a store with a sign in the window that gave me pause: "We sell angels." Then, round the corner on Cole, the sidewalk etching in the photograph.

Love. Never mind the question mark. Just love. And it's not even Thursday.

Whatever holiday you celebrate this season, however simply or extravagantly, may it be joyous in the planning, and may it long afterward cheer your hearts.
We make peace in a million small ways every day.
All text and images, unless otherwise noted, copyright L. Kathryn Grace. All rights reserved.

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