Imagine the world without anger, without greed. We have the power, the tools, the skills and the resources right now to build a peaceful world, where people live in harmony with the Earth and each other. This blog explores ways we are doing just that, one post, one change, one day at a time. Join me. Tell your stories. Ask for help. Spread your ideas for making the vision real and, well, ordinary.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wanda calls this Love Thursday

© L. Kathryn Grace
Every Thursday one of my favorite bloggers, Wanda of What Would Wanda Do?, does a special post called Love Thursday. You probably know her by now. I've mentioned her blog several times. Today, Wanda invites us to Kiss the world. She quotes the Sufi poet Hafiz.

One regret, dear world, that I am determined not to have when I am lying on my deathbed is that I did not kiss you enough.

~ Hafiz ~

So I'm blowing kisses to Wanda and a few other bloggers whose words and images nourish my spirit and mind. Perhaps you will enjoy reading these delightful people as much as I do.

Curbstone Valley Farm. The writers don't publish their names, so I can't tell you who they are, but they post lovely up close images of flowers, insects, bird nests, anything that is growing and changing on their farm, along with detailed information about each, including their scientific names. A joy to read.

Chile Chews who writes about her family's efforts to achieve an ever more sustainable lifestyle. They recently purchased a home on an acre of land where they garden, compost, solar cook, and live, breath and yes, walk the talk.

Lyric Flight by Hayden. If you are a regular reader of this blog, you've seen Hayden's comments here. Almost a year ago, she left her home in the city (Creedence!) and began to reclaim ten acres of Michigan land from pesticides, artificial fertilizers and who knows what all. Her journey is fascinating, informative, and not without its share of pathos and humor.

There are so many I could share with you today, but time is short, and if you're like me, before you know it, you'll have passed a most pleasurable hour in the company of these women and their avid readers.

We make peace in a million small ways every day.
All text and images, unless otherwise noted, copyright L. Kathryn Grace. All rights reserved.


Curbstone Valley Farm said...

Kathryn, thank you so much for the link. I'm glad you enjoy the posts. I enjoy writing them, although sometimes I get a bit distracted with all the wild things here, and forget to post updates on the garden! There will be a garden post next week...promise! :P Have a great weekend!

Deb Shucka said...

I love Wanda and her blog also! Thanks for the new links to check out.

graceonline said...

Curbstone Valley, my pleasure. Loved your post on the young turkeys today. You have a way of making the most mundane information entertaining. Thoroughly enjoyed watching the turkeys eat from the hand.

Deb, yes Wanda is always inspirational and sometimes good for giggles too!

graceonline said...

You're welcome, Chile. Your writing is both entertaining and informative, so always a pleasure to read.

Wanda said...

Kathryn, thanks so much for the shout out and kind words. I love your visits to my blog and I am delighted when I get your comments. Thanks, too, for the new reads. I put them in my Bloglines feeds. (Sorry it took me so long to get here to comment. I am doing catch up.)

graceonline said...

No problem, Wanda. You've been busy! So kind of you to mention it, and I'm glad you liked what you found here.

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